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A central area of BNIM’s work and expertise is the design of innovative facilities and planning for Municipal, State, and Federal governmental entities. BNIM has worked on a wide range of project types for State entities including office facilities and headquarters, recovery and resiliency planning, and education and community centers. Through this experience, we focus on ensuring safety and security, stewardship of natural resources, representing the values and history of a place, and enhancing the public realm through sensitive, inspired design.

Iowa Utilities Board - Office of Consumer Advocate

The project was designed to integrate replicable sustainable strategies; serving as a demonstration project for other government facilities at the state and local level, and also for the general public and private enterprise. The building is 81% more efficient than the national office building average (16.7 kBTU/sf per year).

Lewis and Clark State Office Building

Natural daylighting, as well as sun shading devices, are responsive to the sun patterns throughout the year. The building utilizes the latest advances in daylighting technologies, electrical lighting and control systems, efficient building envelope design and highly integrated and innovative HVAC systems. The building has shown a 7.5% reduction in absenteeism.


AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE)
Top Ten + Award

Architectural Record
Good Design is Good Business

AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE)
Top Ten Green Projects Award

Center on Sustainable Communities (COSC)
Environmental Impact Awards – Commercial Winner, Built Environment Category

AIA COTE Kansas City
COTE Award

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