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Swope Campus Sustainable Stormwater Improvements

Swope Campus Sustainable Stormwater Improvements


The Water Services Department and the Parks & Recreation Headquarters comprise the Swope Campus. Situated on twenty acres of developed land and ten acres of vacant land, these facilities, located north of Swope Park and adjacent to the Byram’s Ford Civil War site, reside within the Blue River watershed. With the 4800 Building employee parking lot in a severe state of disrepair, the Water Service Department entered into a contract with BNIM to design a sustainable parking lot. The overall sustainable design responds to stormwater filtering, infiltrating and detention goals.

In addition to the parking lot improvements, the Departments had the unique opportunity to transform the Swope Campus into a series of outdoor learning labs. Completed in 2010, the BNIM team developed a five day elementary school curriculum that meets the state educational requirements educating 4-6th graders about stormwater management opportunities. In addition, the curriculum and design of the campus showcase how each member of society has a role in protecting the health of our watershed and enhancing the quality of life for those living downstream. The Swope Campus serves as a watershed education center and demonstration site for developers and citizens. The Campus is a model in the Midwest, demonstrating the effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMP) for on-site stormwater management and the importance of educating its citizens as to how they can integrate green approaches to stormwater management. The Campus is a place where visitors can learn about environmentally safe green solutions and ecological and economic impacts on our watersheds and communities.



  • Adam Wiechman
  • James Schuessler
  • Elise Hubbard
  • Celine Armstrong
  • Aaron Ross
  • Shane Patterson
  • Adam Cohen
  • Joshua Kriz


City of Kansas City, Missouri - Water Department

Swope Campus Sustainable Stormwater Improvements
Swope Campus Sustainable Stormwater Improvements


Mid-America Regional Council (MARC)
2015 Honoree, Sustainable Success Stories

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
2015 Excellence in Construction Award

APWA Kansas City Metro Chapter
Sustainable Practices Award for the Curriculum

American Public Works Association (APWA)
National Sustainable Practices Award for the Curriculum

Kansas City Environmental Management Commission
Environmental Achievement Award for the Curriculum

Swope Campus Sustainable Stormwater Improvements

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