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KC-CUR 31st and Troost Revitalization Scenario

KC-CUR 31st and Troost Revitalization Scenario


  • Location Kansas City, Missouri
  • Completion 2018

31st and Troost was one of three priority areas identified for study in the Kansas City Catalytic Urban Redevelopment (KC-CUR) Implementation Strategy. BNIM — in partnership with LISC Kansas City, Urban Neighborhood Initiative (UNI), and community stakeholders — led the Revitalization Scenario for the 31st and Troost KC-CUR Priority Area. BNIM was tasked with creating the planning document that would reflect stakeholder input, integrate with existing plans and initiatives, outline a development plan, and identify catalytic projects. The process included conducting community engagement with diverse stakeholder groups and distilling guiding principles that led to creating an aspirational but achievable development plan with comprehensive implementation strategies.

The core purpose of the District is to create a development plan that helps the local community organize, raise funds, and guide development over the next few years. The plan identifies catalytic projects for development while melding opportunities with community needs, including affordable housing, community-centered retail, job creation, and existing city-wide and area plans, such as transit-oriented development, complete streets ordinance, and existing corridor plans. The integrated team took a holistic approach in planning for a robust and prosperous future for this priority area while respecting, supporting, and preparing current residents, businesses, and organizations for future changes.



  • Rachel El Assad


Greater Kansas City Local Initiatives Support Corporation

KC-CUR 31st and Troost Revitalization Scenario

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