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Town of Kansas Bridge

Town of Kansas Bridge


The Town of Kansas Bridge begins at Main Street, spanning 635 feet over the Town of Kansas and the Union Pacific tracks, with a stair and elevator link down to the slab of the old wharf building. The project included views over the Town of Kansas and an overlook above the river. This, in effect, makes Main Street the only Kansas City street to symbolically and actually terminate at the river’s edge.

The Town of Kansas Bridge opens the door for many other exciting Riverfront projects, including the Riverfront West Wetland Ecosystem, the Missouri River Overlook Plaza, and the Town of Kansas Interpretive Center. All of these projects will establish the Riverfront as a dynamic center of activity for residents and visitors.

Reconnecting and revitalizing the riverfront area has been a goal of Kansas City for a long time. This effort was launched with the construction of Berkley Park. At the same time, the Port Authority made a commitment to River Market residents, owners, and merchants to make a direct pedestrian/bicycle connection from River Market to the riverfront and then to Berkley Park. The product of this commitment is The Town of Kansas Bridge. The rustic beauty of the Bridge links Kansas City to its past, present and future.




Union Station KC Inc.

Town of Kansas Bridge


Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
Project of the Year

Town of Kansas Bridge

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