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Greg Sheldon

Greg Sheldon


Principal, Architecture

Greg Sheldon is a Fellow in BNIM’s Kansas City office. His professional experience on numerous complex projects, his contemplative design process and his boundless passion for the built environment have contributed to his reputation, in Kansas City and nationally, as a highly proficient and respected architect.

While at BNIM, Greg has served as the Senior Project Architect for the Science City addition at Union Station, the Bloch Building addition and other campus enhancement projects at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, the Henry W. Bloch Executive Hall at UMKC, the Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University, the ‘Reach’ expansion to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the new School of Music Building at the University of Missouri along with assisting BNIM project teams on numerous other projects. The general technical expertise Greg has accumulated through these and other projects is highly respected and sought after.

His particular expertise in complex, high performance, façade and glazing system has made him a practice leader for BNIM’s integrated design process. In 2006, Greg was recognized as Architect of the Year by the American Institute of Architects Kansas City chapter, and in 2013, he was elevated to the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows.

Greg Sheldon


Bachelor of Architecture
University of Kansas

Bachelor of Environmental Design
University of Kansas


Registered Architect: MO
Fellow of American Institute of Architects

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