Ozarks Education Center Featured in Fall Issue of AN Interior
The recently completed Ozarks Education Center is featured in AN Interiors Fall Isssue for bringing the ‘Inside Out’ during these times of confinement. Located within the Ozarks on the shores of Bull Shoals lake and within the Drury-Mincy conservation area, the facility is a place where Missouri State University faculty and students, other universities, and non-profit organizations conduct research. From traditional placemaking to sustainable strategies, everything about the Ozarks Education Center involves nature. The article includes Project Designer Josh Harrold defining how the center “serves as a threshold to the outdoors.”
The dogtrot is shaded and naturally cooled passively through increased wind speeds. Project Architect April Trotter explains in the article, “The geometry of the building speeds up the wind that goes through the dogtrot, easily making that space about 15 degrees cooler than outside in the summer.” The site also features three cabins sitting at the edge of the woods in the mountains looking to the west with a full wall of glass for incredible sunsets and views that pull the wooded landscape in while turning their back to the field station for privacy. The aperture to the west takes advantage of the cool breezes from the stream below via high and low operable windows moving naturally cooled air through the space.
Learn more about BNIM projects bringing the inside out from our Human Nature book.