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MSU Ozarks Education Center Featured in Metal Architecture

MSU Ozarks Education Center Featured in Metal Architecture

The Missouri State University (MSU) Ozarks Education Center was recently featured in the April issue of Metal Architecture. The Bull Shoals Field Station is an existing research location for MSU students located within the Ozarks on the shores of Bull Shoals lake. There was an increasing demand for educational opportunities within the college and other organizations, and a new facility was envisioned to support the expansion of ecological study and research.


“The project is rooted in both the natural context and the vernacular building context. We developed a series of diagrams that started with the basic parti of a rural Ozark residence we simply called the Hillbilly Shack and seen throughout the hills and hollers of the Ozarks. We took that basic prosaic massing and through a series of operations manipulated that basic parti to suit our project specificity with the basis remaining that initial understanding of the Ozark from.”



Read the full article here.  


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