
Craig Scranton Participates as Panelist in ULI TAP Session
BNIM Principal, Craig Scranton, AIA NCARB LEED AP, participated as a panelist in ULI Kansas City’s Streetcar/Main Street Extension Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) Session that took place September 14-16. This TAP explored various issues surrounding the streetcar extension and redevelopment. The panel studied the area within a quarter mile of 39th and Main Street, where a key streetcar stop will operate. They examined shared district parking as a solution to parking requirements for single developments that often result in the need for incentives. The panel also looked at other higher density stops to determine infrastructure needs to connect with the surrounding area: 31st Street, Armour Boulevard, 43rd Street, and the Plaza.
An in-person presentation of the panel’s recommendations was given on Friday, September 16. A full report will be available in October and the panel’s presentation slides can be viewed here.