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BNIM featured in Metropolis “A Quiet Revolution: The Origins of Sustainable Design in the United States” by Lance Hosey

BNIM featured in Metropolis “A Quiet Revolution: The Origins of Sustainable Design in the United States” by Lance Hosey

“If we are going to turn this around, we have about 40 years.”

Bob Berkebile, BNIM Founder and FAIA Founding COTE Chair, gave this vital testimony 30 years ago and awakened the sustainable architecture movement across the industry.

Metropolis Magazine, one of the early pioneers focused on the gravity of sustainability in our practice, reflects on the journey of the everchanging definition of environment.

What began as a meeting between a small group of architects (Bob Berkebile, Paul Bierman-Lytle, Greg Franta, Kirk Gastinger, Harry Gordon, Hal Levin, Bill McDonough, Chris Stafford, and Kelly Vresilovic) discovering the major, yet obscure problem that our planet was facing, turned into a growing revolution for our buildings, our planet, and our health.

The timing of the 30th anniversary of COTE speaks volumes to the current events taking over human health around the world today.

Read the Metropolis article

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