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Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

The unjust murder of George Floyd sent yet another shockwave through our country and has ignited protests demanding justice not only for Floyd but for countless other victims of state violence.

We denounce these murders and violence against Black people, the culture that permits silence and inaction, and the systems and policies that have perpetuated racism throughout our country’s history. We unequivocally state that Black Lives Matter.

Because we see the depth of pain, grief, anger, and fear these systems bring upon Black people and communities daily, our organization commits to learning and pursuing antiracism in our firm, in our work, and in the public realm where we work and live. We also understand that antiracism must be taught and led by people with the lived experience of racial oppression. The rest of us must be learners and act now.

To be silent is to be complicit.


Almost a year later, George Floyd’s murderer has been held accountable for his actions. There is far more to be done to make justice and equality a reality. Accountability is a step in the right direction, but there are many more steps and hurdles that we must overcome to combat systemic racism. This is only the beginning of a long process of seeking justice for the lives lost to state violence.

The past year we have committed ourselves to being anti-racist and will continue to do so. We will continue to learn from those who have experienced racial oppression and support the Black community in this journey towards seeking justice and change in our systems. We must also act on what we have learned about antiracism, just as Darnella Frazier took action to record the murder of George Floyd. George Floyd and countless others should still be here today.

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