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Campus Planning

Campus Planning

Campus planning is an opportunity to establish priorities for the future and to make implementation recommendations that bring clients’ mission statements to life, draw inspiring connections between buildings, reduce expenditures, improve campus quality of life, catalyze social change, and energize the campus community. BNIM has emerged as a national leader in developing forward-thinking, transformational planning solutions for our 50 campuses across the U.S.  

East Campus Framework and Master Plan

A transformational plan and University mission driven gateway solution to create a connective tissue for the East End of Washington University's Danforth Campus, establishing a gateway to campus and its future.

East Campus Framework and Master Plan

The new outdoor spaces vary in use and scale, creating diverse and vibrant experiences that reflect the heritage of the campus, while looking toward the University’s future. The East End of Danforth Campus is now a beautiful, functional gateway and destination on campus, welcoming and safe for walking, biking, playing, and studying.

East Campus Framework and Master Plan

The new 790-car underground parking garage makes the East End more accessible and offers electric vehicle charging stations, a designated car-share parking, and an on-campus bus stop.


American Institute of Architects
Regional & Urban Design Award

The Society for College and University Planing (SCUP)
Honor Award, Excellence in Planning for a District or Campus Component

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